Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Simply Sewn Cards

I had a minute this morning, so I made some fun little note cards!!

I purchased some blank note cards from Target the other day...  I thought it would be fun to dress them up a little.  I just love pennant flag banners and I had some fabric scraps that matched the cards, so why not make up some fun notes!

I first took my blank cards...
I typed up some sayings in  photoshop, I wanted them to have a very simple look so I just a simple typewriter font, figured out where the cards would print off the sayings at on the cards and sent them through the printer...
I thought some sayings that we all use a lot are thank you, thinking of you, and happy birthday!

I then took some scraps of fabric and cut them about an inch in width...
  I next cut the fabric strips into triangles...
I next took the triangles and rotated them every other color and secured them to the front of the card with some glue dots...
 Once I had them all secured, i just ran a simple stitch across the top of the triangles to make it look like a banner...

That's really all there is to it and now I have some fun and simple cards to send out to family and friends!

Kinda fun and sassy!
Have a super day!

With much Love & Gratitude,


  1. these are super cute? What kind of printer do you have? I could never have done these with my hunk of junk, I'm looking into getting something new!


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