Friday, April 12, 2013

New Baby Chicks...round two!

Ryan walked in with these yesterday...

Madi has already named this one Hazel.  I captured this shot of her through a hole in the box that Ryan brought them home in...

I guess its time for us to phase some chickens out and phase some new ones in!  Baby chicks are always so fun to have!

The new chicks are a much smaller group to take care of than our first initial group of chicks we bought way back when we were building the coop. Here is a picture of our first Chicks we bought a couple years ago... (We ordered them by mail!  Yep, this is the box they came in!  They were sooo cute and making that cute chirping sound!)

I can't believe those baby chicks are like this now!

Hopefully this new little group will be a little easier, and bonus, the coop is ready to go.  We won't have a bunch of chickens in the garage waiting for their new home this time.  We will just phase them in with the other Ladies when they are big enough! 

I'll keep you posted how they do as they grow and we start to incorporate them into the Hen house!  That is always a crazy time.  The Hens that live in the Coop now like to rule the roost and don't take kindly to new comers!  We've had to do it before, it took some time, but now they all seem to do just fine.

If you want to see pictures of our chicken coop you can see that here or click on the photo below...

Have a fabulous day!
With Much Love & Gratitude,

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1 comment:

  1. Seriously?.... Ryan is addicted to animals. You guys need to move to the country you're going to run out of room!! ;)


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