Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fall Photos... using Roads and lines

 I was thumbing through some older photos and I ran across some photos I took these 5 years ago when Ava was just learning to walk.  I liked this dirt road and these fence posts that line it.  It made a perfect place for photos...

With Fall Photo Shoots approaching I thought I would share some photo ideas I used in this shoot.

I dressed her in some brighter colors and took her and Madi to get some photos...

Leading Lines that draw attention such as a road or fence make a perfect place for photos.  I first started with my White Balance on Auto...

It was ok, but with the Fall colors, I wanted some more yellow to pop out so I switched it Cloudy,  It helped to pull out the yellows I was looking for...

I had Madi walk with Ava...

I got one of Ava standing...

As in the first Picture at the beginning of this post, I wanted one of Ava's back while standing alone, she was so little and just wanted to come back to me, so I needed to create a distraction. 
 I needed somewhere for her to look away from me, so I had Madi go down further on the road and hide just enough to be out of the picture. She called Ava's name so she would look at her...

A fence post makes a great backdrop too...

This one is my most favorite shots out of this shoot...

I hope I have given you some different ideas to think about when looking for a place with leading lines to take some photos!

With Much Love & Gratitude,

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